Tuesday, August 26, 2014

It has been over a month since updating and I feel like this summer is just flying by! I can't believe schools are back in session (in Washington anyway) just next week. My nephews will be starting kindergarten!

What I've been up to lately:
1.) after 6 years, I left my position at a non-profit and went into the construction business. I am the sales coordinator for a cabinet/casework manufacturer. I help prepare all the bids that are sent out. It's such a different path than what I was on, but I'm starting to get the hang of it and am starting to do really well. Hopefully I can continue to grow and learn new things in this new field of mine.

2.) after 5 years and three nephews, whom I love dearly don't get me wrong, I have a niece! My brother and sister in law have birth to their daughter at the end of July. I wish I could fly down to Georgia to meet miss Elena, but sadly I can't. Duty calls. Boo.

3.) football season is now upon us, and I'm anxiously awaiting next week when hubs and I will be at the season opener of the Seahawks season against Green Bay. We lucked out and my parents sold us their tickets, so 1st level baby! So excited for Sept 4th!

4.) the following week J and I will be celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary. Time is flying by, but luckily this year I remembered in time to get his gift early..2nd anniversary is cotton or china, depending on whether you follow traditional or modern. I have a plan for both :)

And I'm going to stop here. I have to be up for work in about 6 hours and I'm cutting back severely on my caffeine intake due to getting a high blood pressure reading recently. This won't be pretty...

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