Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I obviously don't want to be stuck in the office this week...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Things I'm Looking Forward to

Mr. and Mrs. Favors are planning on being very busy in 2013! Some things we're looking forward to:

  1. May: My 27th birthday! My girlfriend Dee and I are planning on having dinner with friends at a local Indian restuarant. I've never had authentic Indian food before so I've been looking forward to it. Afterwards, my favorite 80s coverband, the Spazmatics, are playing at a bar close to my house. I plan on attending that and I can walk home!
  2. Girls day trip to Canada: My girlfriends and I were tossing around the idea of taking a day trip to Canada. I've been joking I need to go up there because I'm almost out of Royal Wedding tea that I purchased during a trip up there the day after the Royal Wedding. Now that I think about it, I need to get my passport updated. Yikes!
  3. NYC in June: Jason and I were lucky enough to stay in a super great two bedroom apartment on 5th and Park. Jason's dad has a client who owns it and offered it up to us. Some things we have discussed doing/seeing: Chicago on Broadway, Shakespeare in the Park, maybe taking in a Mets game. One of my good girlfriends from college recently moved to New York, so we plan on meeting up with her. We google chatted last night and were talking about maybe going on this food tour in the West Village. I'd like to rent bicycles and ride around Central Park as well. So excited!
  4. Weddings: Jason's sister is getting married in July in Seattle. My cousin is getting married in October in Charleston, SC. So excited to be a part of one and attend another!
  5. DisneyWorld: After my cousin's wedding in SC, my parents have reserved their timeshare at DisneyWorld and invited us all to spend the week with them there. I'm so excited, I've never been. And it would be great to see the boys (my brother's sons - Luke, 3, and Warren, 2). Luke has Autism, so I'm not sure how he'll do with crowds!