Monday, February 25, 2013

Feb. 25th

I don't think I was made to be an exercise person. I don't find working out enjoyable, relaxing, or therapeutic - I find it boring. I'm not the type of person that has ADHD, but when I'm at the gym, I lose interest on whatever machine I'm on. I've tried all sorts of different workouts and I can never stick with them, not that I think I can't do it or its too hard. I would just rather be doing anything else. There hasn't been one workout I've tried that I think, "hey! This is awesome, where has it been my whole life?!"

Give me a book and a mug of tea and I am good for hours. Stick me on a treadmill/elliptical/any form  of exercise equipment and I can't get to the exit fast enough.

What's wrong with me?