Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Health Experiment, Day 1.

I've decided to start a week long experiment on eating the correct portion sizes of my meals, working out every day, and just eating healthier (everything homemade, no eating out, the least amount of processed ingredients as I can with what I have/basically don't spend any money just use what I have).

Notes on this experiment:
-I do not plan on doing this on Wednesday - no workout and I'm going to dinner with my parents and hubby's parents. I may go to the gym after dinner...I haven't decided yet, we'll see what time we get home. I have a 9:30 bedtime :)
-I just came up with this last night, so Monday was not included in my "week". I'm going until Sunday and from there I'll see if I want to extend to the next week.
-I made a plan on dinners I wanted to make late Sunday night and went out Monday and bought all my ingredients I was missing, so it's not like I had all these just laying around my yes, money was spent, but that was before I came up with this experiment for myself.

Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014:
Breakfast: serving size of peanut butter multi-grain Cheerio's (3/4 c), with serving size fat free milk (1/2 c). Beverage: homemade London Fog (1 1/2c. fat free milk, 2 Earl Grey teabags, 2Tbl homemade vanilla syrup) Thoughts: didn't seem like much, but if it says that's a serving size, so be it.

Mid-Morning Snack: organic medium honey crisp apple. Thoughts: 40 minutes before lunch and I'm STARVING. Maybe drinking water will help...

Lunch: leftover from dinner last night - oven baked chili dogs. Granted, this was semi-homemade, as in I bought all the ingredients and just assembled it. Next time I make this (and I will, I really liked it) I will do homemade chili, not canned as I did last night. I also won't forget the mustard. Oops. Thoughts: drinking water between my mid-morning snack and lunch definitely did help curb the appetite. Just a reminder to me that I need to drink more water. They'll be days I don't drink any, so a good day would be 1-2 glasses. I know it's bad, but I'm not a fan...and I've tried adding fruit and it's so-so. I don't do those powders or liquids you can add to your water...I HATE artificial sweeteners and no matter which I've tried, I can always taste the aspartame aftertaste and I hate it. I'd rather drink regular sugar.

Mid-Afternoon Snack: 1.25 cup sliced strawberries. Thoughts: I bought these last night from the grocery store and they're just not the same at the peak of the season (sigh). 

Workout: This was the most frustrating workout I've ever encountered and I ended up quitting early and going home. I went to my gym and started with some cardio on the elliptical. My machine started making very weird noises, so I moved to another machine that did a mixture of ellitical movements and stairmaster movements. The log screens kept freezing, so if I hadn't had my heart rate monitor on, I wouldn't have known how long I was going for, etc. That got annoying, so I moved to another machine - a regular treadmill. Couldn't get it to turn on. Once it finally turned on, I couldn't get it to start a program. Moved to yet another treadmill, and everything was great - got intervals going, watching Pioneer Woman on the attached tv, all good. 20 minutes in, and bam! sleep timer and it shuts down. I think, "Okay, about 30 minutes is a good warm up, I can move to the main classroom since there are no classes going and I'll do my pilates workout." {side note: I have the blogilates app on my phone - love it! I subscribe to her monthly workouts and in the app she has links to the youtube videos of her workouts so I don't have to search it while I'm out and about} I get into the room to start my workout and the app won't open because I get terrible data coverage in the gym and they refuse to get wifi for members. I was so over it I went home thinking I'd do my pilates workout there...but eating dinner and watching tv with the hubs was way more comfortable.

Dinner: leftover chili dogs from last night. I had 2 because I was hangry.

Total Calories = 1,694